Market Season Preparation

Christmas market season is upon us and I am sooooo excited, if not slightly stressed! In December I have 3 markets, one of which is 3 days long so I am currently in the process of deciding what I want to take and how much of everything I'll need. 

I'm taking part in Bath Christmas Markets this year and if you've ever been you'll know they are B-U-S-Y. I'm used to doing much smaller, single day markets. So trying to translate that into this 3 day long, 8 hour a day, get up makes me panic slightly. I love selling in person, getting to chat to customers and just generally spending time with other creatives is just so lovely, so I'm really looking forward to all of the markets that I have coming up. 

The one thing I find the hardest (especially this year) is stock. I'm never really sure what to take or what people will want to buy and you always end up feeling like you should have brought something different than what you eventually decided upon. The only things I am 100% sure about are ceramics which are so CUTE and I can't wait to sell, and prints. People looooove buying prints as gifts and I know they will always be a hit. The thing is, Bath Christmas markets have a footfall of over 500,000 people during the 3 weeks which is A LOT!!! So, how many prints am I taking, who knows ahah!

I've been busy making some extra fun signage for my stand at the Bath Markets, in the hope that it will catch people's eye and get them browsing!

Find me at the following markets:

Makers Yard, Frome | 2nd December | 2-6pm

The Frome Independent | 3rd December | 10am-3pm

Bath Christmas Markets | 8-10th December


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